E-citation is a new and innovate technology allowing police enforcement to automate the ticket writing process. Our solution is a feature-rich electronic solution to traffic citation, collision report, and DUI arrest report writing. It replaces traditional pen, paper, and ticket book writing methods with quicker more accurate system. The system allows users to write citations, collision reports, and DUI arrest reports in the field, to sync all collected data to individual workstations or central data servers, and to submit citations to court.
Our Ecitation Solution is designed with ease of use in mind, the Citation Module (like the Collision Report and DUI Arrest Report Modules) offers intuitive, efficient data-entry features. The citation itself is organized into sections (Violator, Vehicle, Location, Violation, and more) that are easily accessed at the touch of a button.
Features of the Citation Module include:
- Location of occurrence, including direction, street, and cross-street information.
- Vehicle information, with make, model, year, style, color, VIN, and insurance.
- Violator and registered owner information.
- Complete violation codes and titles.
- Drop-menus, Soft Keyboard, check-boxes, and a convenient navigation menu for efficient data entry.
- Court and court day/time selection.
- Electronic signature capture.
- Driver license mag-stripe reading.
- Wireless printing of citations in the field.
- Electronic data transfer to desktop workstations, a central server, and/or a records management system.
- Transmittal of citations to the court.
- Easy integration with the Collision Report Writing and DUI Arrest Report Modules.
- Hard copy citation will match the specific citation format for an agency’s jurisdiction.
- Modular design to allow for future upgrades and enhancements.
Using Motorola MC55 and MC75 handheld devices that run Microsoft Windows Mobile Operating System, users complete a traffic citation and then print it with a wireless, Zebra© RW Series Bluetooth-enabled printer. The system can capture electronic signatures and information stored on a driver license mag-stripe. For traffic collisions, users can create and edit collision reports using an easily navigable report writing module. Collision reports can easily be synced with records management systems such as the Crossroads Software Traffic Collision Database System. E-citation solutions provide law enforcement with the ability to print parking tickets, traffic violations, and other citations quickly and easily – while on the scene. Citations are issued in seconds as opposed to minutes, keeping officers on the move while also improving officer safety.
The Crossroads Software Handheld Citation and Report Writing Program is an intuitive, user-friendly, modular system that meets today’s traffic safety, enforcement, and reporting needs. MSA Systems and Crossroads have worked together to successfully implement Ecitation Programs in many states throughout the U.S. We have recently worked with Corona Police Department to organize a case study about their individual success with our solution. (Adobe is necessary to view the case study.)