Speed. Simplicity. Accuracy

MSA Systems is one of the largest providers of technology in the United States and regularly executes contract pricing in California and across the United States.

  • Municipality
  • City
  • County
  • State
  • or Federal office

California Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS)

The California Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS) offers a wide variety of commodities, non-IT services and information technology products and services at prices which have been assessed to be fair, reasonable and competitive. Suppliers may apply for a CMAS contract at anytime – no bids are required.

The use of these contracts is optional and is available to state and local government agencies.

General Services Administration (GSA) Schedules

GSA AdvantageSelect offers pre-competed items for purchase by all federal customers without additional competition.

This streamlined process enables agencies
to meet sustainable acquisition and socio-economic goals. If you have questions about GSA AdvantageSelect, direct your email inquiries to GSA@msasys.com.

Government Agencies

US Army

Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms

Dept. of Treasury

US Navy

Centre for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Dept. of Energy

US Air Force

United States Army Corps Engineer

National Aeronautic & Space Agency

US Marine Corps

Dept. of Veterans Affairs

US Social Security

US Coast Guard

United States Dept. of Defense

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