Aruba Instant AP – Allows for quick and easy set up. It’s as simple as plugging in, connecting, and logging in on a PC to configure a wireless network. With Instant AP, there is no need for a controller or IT expert for set up. As a less expensive solution to wireless, this is ideal for K-12 schools.
Radio Frequency – Radio Frequency is non-contact form of capturing data to positively identify contents and information of the product in which the tag is attached.
Voice Over IP – Allows for verbal communication over a wireless network, sending data the same way all other data is sent over the internet. Distance does not effect the quality of the call, so anyone can be reached anywhere within a large warehouse.
Content Filtering – Creating a firewall to screen and prevent emails and web pages that are unwanted from entering the corporate internet structure.
Aruba Clearpass – ClearPass provides a window into your network and covers all your access security requirements from a single platform. You get complete views of mobile devices and users with total control over what they can access.
Air Print – A mobile printing solution that allows for printing from a handheld device to a Air Print capable printer over a wireless network.
Aruba AirWave – With visibility into everything that affects wireless and mobility service-level agreements (SLAs), AirWave lets you proactively plan for capacity, visualize client performance and troubleshoot application issues before you get a help desk ticket.